Tanjala T. Gipson, M.D.


Having two autistic boys myself, I am all too familiar with having to start at Square One. Before my first son was diagnosed, I took him to numerous doctors, therapists, and school administrators, all of whom left me with more questions than answers about his condition, including what the diagnosis was, what to expect from the various therapists we saw each week, and why did this had happened to my child. 

Becoming a neurologist with subspecialty training in child neurology and neurodevelopmental disabilities was a career choice motivated by my own experiences caring for my children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Since 2006, when I completed my residency at Johns Hopkins and my fellowship at Kennedy Krieger Institute, I have been providing care to people with exceptional needs. Recognized as a world leader in my field's clinical practice, I still pick up new insights from my amazing patients every day. Square One for Autism is the first step of a larger educational initiative whose purpose is to assist other families to avoid the traps I faced when my kids were diagnosed with autism.